Sunday, November 7, 2010

Give a special gift of spa!

Give of yourself.

What you give truly comes back ten-fold. And happiness is a state of mind. Feeling happy makes you feel young, and it is the small acts of kindness and caring that you show to others that really makes the difference in your happiness levels.

The free and most simple way to do this is to show your smile! This is a special gift and not only will this cheer you up, but the most important thing is that you will have cheered others up!

Also, if you make every effort to have a positive attitude, this will rub off on those you meet. Once this happens, there is no stopping the spread of positive feelings to those they meet! And performing small acts of kindness is another way to make all the difference in someone's day.

We suggest giving a Serve the Goddess gift certificate to someone who makes a difference in your life. Especially someone who wouldn't expect it, because it feels so good to put a smile on someone else's face. This will place you further along on the road to staying young and being happy. By giving of yourself, you will receive so much in return.

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