Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Give the Gift of Yoga

Before things get out of hand and you find yourself stressed beyond measure, make a promise right now to carve out some ME time during this upcoming festive, holiday season. Take a look at your calendar and make sure, while you have the chance and before your time gets booked up with other obligations, to schedule at least 15 peaceful minutes a day for yourself --- and then honor that time.

Taking a few moments to quiet your mind is the key to enjoying this special time of year and practicing yoga is one of the best ways I know to stay calm and relaxed.

Some of the many health benefits of practicing yoga on a regular basis include:

Stronger immune system
Increased energy
More efficient breathing
Better digestion
Balanced hormones
Improved muscle flexibility and strength
Straighter posture
Healthier body weight
Improved sleep
Decreased pain
Improved balance
Increased sense of well-being
Better mood
Decrease in anxiety, depression and anger
Improved concentration and memory
Decrease in total cholesterol levels
Lower blood pressure

You can also use yoga as a theme in your gift giving this year. Encourage your friends to join you in a yoga class with a gift certificate and buy everyone things like yoga mats, yoga pants, instructional videos, thoughtful books, relaxing music, water bottles, eye shades and a special bag to carry everything in.

And since everyone’s feet are bare during yoga class, how about throwing in a gift certificate for a pedicure, too? It just might help your friends who may be new to yoga, to start things off on the right foot, so to speak.

I realize even the most basic yoga moves can prove quite challenging for some people, but with consistent practice, the health benefits of yoga will far outweigh any awkwardness that may surface initially. Yoga is one of those things that you have to stick with for awhile but it’s worth it. You just might find that adding some yoga stretches to your daily routine will really help make this holiday extraordinary.

1 comment:

  1. Yoga is one of those things that you have to stick with for awhile but it’s worth it. I wanna try this it seems so relaxing.-cambria massage spa-
